Our product has been tested and met or surpassed USP standards for metals and is prepared in the USA in a government compliant GMP facility.

Warnings and Cautions

Turmeric or Vita-Stim should not be taken if you are pregnant, thinking of becoming pregnant, lactating, have gall bladder or bile duct disease or have ulcers and may raise oxalate levels. Certain supplements may interfere with certain medications or conditions including blood thinners, certain heart medications and bromelain may activate pineapple allergy. Discuss all medications with your physician or health care professional. 

 *Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.*

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease including cancer.

The FDA has not at this time approved the making of any claim for curcumin as a cure for any disease.

If for any reason a customer is unhappy with their product they may return it for a full refund to Wilde Research, PO Box 1363, Studio City, CA 91614

"Formulated to Support The Body's Normal Function"