Abigon Press LLC

Miracle Stem Cell Heart Repair: For heart failure patients

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You have discovered the companion book to the “Hidden Causes of Heart Attack and Stroke” book. Here in “Miracle Stem Cell Heart Repair” you will find actual case histories of "No Option" heart failure patients whose hearts were rejuvenated using their own stem cells. If you have been searching for books for heart attack survivors, or books about stroke, this book was written for you. If you have been told there are no more options for you or for a loved one in the fight against heart disease, you must read “Miracle Stem Cell Heart Repair.” Come explore the future of heart medicine.

This book contains input from the world leaders, Directors of Stem Cell Cardiovascular Heart Repair from major universities, Columbia, UCSD, Arizona Heart, Tuft, University of Utah and MN. Heart Institute. This book and its companion, “Hidden Causes of Heart Attack and Stroke,” are intended for anyone who has had multiple heart attacks, lives with angina or with congestive heart failure, and has been told there are no more options. Take your time looking through these books, as well as all of the research here at MyHeartBook.com. This is the home of the turmeric dietary supplement Christian Wilde’s turmeric+ Formula and Christian Wilde’s Heart Health Support, which includes vitamin K2 to help prevent hardening of the arteries.

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