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In hour one we will  be joined by an old friend, a gentleman who has garnered respect from around the world for his work as a medical author/researcher. His name is Christian Wilde, whose books have been highly endorsed by Directors of Cardiology at several Major Universities. I remember talking with you Chris about Hidden Causes of Heart Attack and Stroke years ago and to say that you are a pathfinder and a pioneer I know I’ll be making your head a little bigger but to say that is an understatement, because you have been proven time and time again to be correct.  Welcome back to the Jordan Rich Show my friend. WBZ radio (10th guest appearance).

 What a show, we had on Christian Wilde to talk about stem cell research and the incredible possibilities that this treatment provides. So it was without a doubt one of the most exciting shows in my 20 years in the business. Air America, The Lionel Show

George I want to congratulate you, on November 20th you had on a man by the name of Christian Wilde and you had a marvelous show. It was amazing! I think everyone must have enjoyed it.  (Comment made by a listener to host George Noory.  Wilde has been on Coast to Coast AM with Mr. Noory(438) times since 2003). The longest interviews, 4 hours and 2 hours.

 PRODUCER  PATRICK TIMPONI SHOW  Thank you for the bio and confirmation. I think your bio takes top prize for the most interesting and I sure have read a lot of them.

Sharon Kinder-Geiger ONERADIONETWORK

Erskine Overnight (12 time guest appearance)

 Christian on occasion I feel I have done an A show, Tonight’s show with you, I would have to rate an A+.  Nobody does it better. Your information is amazing, How did you get to be so good ? Sincerely, Erskine